Explore Data

Data preview is unavailable for this dataset and is not available on any restricted dataset. If you need assistance, please get in touch with user support via email at ICPSR-help@umich.edu.

Data preview provides a quick glimpse into the study’s data. A limited number of variables (columns) and cases (rows) will be displayed by default; you may choose other variables to show. This view allows you to see what the data “look like.”

As an alternative to data preview, view the:

  1. Variables

Crosstabs are unavailable for this dataset and are not available on any restricted dataset. If you need assistance, please get in touch with user support via email at ICPSR-help@umich.edu.

Crosstabs allow you to see how groups of people in the survey answered a specific question. Essentially the frequency distributions of two individual variables are “crossed” to get a Crosstab.