
DataLumos is an ICPSR archive for valuable government data resources. ICPSR has a long commitment to safekeeping and disseminating US government and other social science data. DataLumos accepts deposits of public data resources from the community and recommendations of public data resources that ICPSR itself might add to DataLumos.

Here’s how to help

Search to see if the data are already part of DataLumos
If the data are not already archived at DataLumos, sharing data involves these easy steps:

  1. Create project: Visit the Upload Data page and create a new project
  2. Name project: Title the data accurately and descriptively, preferably using the exact title provided by the agency originally issuing the data.
  3. Upload and describe files: Upload data and documentation files and enter additional metadata (information about the data) to make it easier to find and more useful to others.
  4. Publish Data: Submit the files to DataLumos for preservation and dissemination.


ICPSR is an international consortium of more than 800 academic institutions and research organizations. We provide leadership and training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social science research community. ICPSR maintains a data archive of more than 1,000,000 files of research in the social sciences, including specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields.

Thank you for assisting ICPSR in its over 60-year quest to illuminate data for researchers and the public now and into the future.

Contact us

We want to hear from you! If our Tips and FAQs don’t address your questions, email us at icpsr-data-rescue@umich.edu

Support DataLumos

Please consider making a monetary donation to sustain our work.

Support DataLumos